Jojoba Oil

We use USDA certified organic Golden Jojoba oil in facial, skin and hair applications:  'The Only One' Facial OilThe HairTonic, The Beard Oil and our Skin's Kiss Moisturizing Body Oil.

Jojoba Oil is most closely related to our natural human sebum - therefore it is the most easily absorbed moisturizer for our skin.  This makes it the perfect vehicle to deliver the other ingredients in our nourishing formulations, most effectively. 

We use it as the base carrier oil in our facial oil formulations because it is absorbed so immediately into the skin, yet your skin will feel totally moisturized all day long.  Jojoba contains vitamins E and B, as well as the minerals chromium, copper, and zinc, which all nourish and protect skin from environmental stressors.

Jojoba is also used in many hair products because its moisturizing and conditioning properties extend to the hair as well, making it soft, shiny, and manageable while also sealing and protecting.